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厦门市地震局利用Arcgis平台开发震情灾情分析和输出系统,该系统具有用户管理、震情灾情信息汇总、震情灾情信息查询与分析、震情灾情信息输出4大功能。通过该系统,地震应急和指挥部门能充分利用震情灾情信息进行相关科学研究,并为政府提供科学的救灾决策依据。  相似文献   
马丽  田华征  康蕾  戚伟 《地理科学》2020,40(6):863-873
在解析支撑能力和东北问题特点的基础上,从“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”五大理念出发建立全面振兴社会经济支撑能力评价指标体系和综合评价方法,以地级市为单元对东北三省进行评估。研究发现:各地市社会经济支撑能力差异显著,哈大沿线核心城市的支撑能力较强,西翼城市以及朝阳、七台河、绥化、葫芦岛、铁岭、双鸭山和鹤岗等资源型城市支撑能力较弱。因此未来东北地区在振兴政策的区域分布上应有所侧重,对不同地区施以不同的振兴或扶持政策。在创新、绿色、开放方面需要集中力量重点突破,而在体制机制改革和共享服务建设方面需要全面覆盖,并重点加强黑龙江北部和辽宁、吉林西翼城市的共享能力建设。  相似文献   
城市内涝灾害频发,对居民生命安全造成严重威胁,为提高城市内涝灾害受灾人口评估精度,提出一种更为精确的受灾人口评估方法。以哈尔滨市道里区为研究区,以城市内涝灾害受灾人口为研究对象,运用一、二维非恒定流为主控方程,构建城市内涝数值模拟模型,并结合受灾人口分布特点,综合构建基于土地利用的人口随时间变化的计算模型。实现在模拟内涝灾害影响范围基础上,利用受灾人口计算模型提取白天与夜晚受灾人口分布情况。结果表明:研究区在百年一遇降雨情景下,有25条街道会发生不同程度积水,积水深度范围值为0.10~1.42 m;此级别内涝灾害在白天11条街道受灾人口数量最大值达到3 500人,夜晚10条街道受灾人口数量最大值为720人。  相似文献   
位于中国和尼泊尔边境的西藏樟木口岸是国家一类陆路通商口岸,也是西藏最大的边贸中心口岸。2015年尼泊尔大地震之后,西藏樟木口岸因多次发生滑坡灾害,而导致口岸关闭。为了调查樟木口岸区域滑坡灾害的分布和变形情况及更好的服务于区域减灾防灾,利用InSAR技术对覆盖该区域的Sentinel-1A和ALOS-2两种卫星影像数据进行了处理,并通过分析视线向年均形变速率图,圈定了17处疑似滑坡,并对其中的5处典型滑坡进行时间序列形变特征分析,监测识别出的滑坡基本沿318国道所在一侧的波曲河左岸分布。InSAR调查结果表明受地震影响樟木地区的滑坡多分布在沿波曲河左岸的陡峭山体上,中尼公路迪斯岗至友谊桥段的古滑坡出现了局部复活的现象,同时樟木镇居民所在的城区也发育有扎美拉山危岩体崩塌滑坡灾害。   相似文献   
The physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters of the water in Taladanda canal and associated water-borne diseases,from which the dwellers have suffered,were studied,by using statistical method. Overuse and the addition of the wastes with sources from urbane industrial sectors,as well as the decrease in water level have caused the canal water quality declined drastically and subsequently led to extensive eutrophication and bacterial contamination. According to the water sample analytical results,the water is lightly acidic with the pH value of 4.5~6.7. The measured indexes,such as total dissolved solid (TDS),electrical conductivity (EC),total suspended solid (TSS),Mn,Zn,Al,Fe,Cu,Cr,and Hg etc,mostly have very high concentrations which are higher than permissible limit,indicating that the canal water is completely unsuitable for human consumption. Furthermore,the biological analysis shows that the total coliform (TC) is in the range of 45.9~30.2 in per 100 mL water in April,30.5~25.3/100 mL in July and 52.9~35.4/100 mL in December,respectively. Similarly,fecal coliform (FC) ranges from 12.8 to 10.1,10.5~7.5 and 13.1~6.4 per 100 mL water in the months of April,July and December respectively. As a result,people who use the water have suffered from different water-borne diseases. On the basis of disease data derived from hospital observations in a period of three years,there had been 4 284 people affected by different water-borne diseases from 2016 to 2018.  相似文献   
Riparian land use is a key driver of stream ecosystem processes but its effects on water quality are still a matter of debate when proposing measures to improve freshwater quality. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of riparian land use on stream habitat and water chemistry, and to assess in what extent stream habitat also affects water quality. To that end, we selected eight reaches in the Ave River basin (northwestern Portugal) and compared longitudinal variations in water chemistry and stream habitat between reaches with different land use (urban, agricultural and natural), and between reaches with natural riparian areas and different habitats. Stream habitat was assessed using the Fluvial Functional Index, the HABSCORE, and the Riparian Forest Quality Index. Longitudinal variations in water chemistry were determined measuring differences in concentrations of ammonium, nitrate, phosphate and oxygen, and conductivity, pH and temperature between the downstream and the upstream ends of each reach. Nitrate concentration tended to decrease along reaches with more natural riparian areas and to increase along reaches with more urban and agricultural land uses. Longitudinal variations in water chemistry also differed between reaches with natural riparian areas, suggesting that water quality also depends on stream habitat. Moreover, longitudinal variation in water chemistry was proven a simple, useful and low-cost approach to assess the influence of land cover and stream habitat on water quality. Overall results demonstrated that both riparian land use and stream habitat influence water quality and that riparian forests are essential to reduce nutrient export to downstream ecosystems.  相似文献   
A multiscale strategy is evaluated at a structural level for the analysis of unreinforced masonry structures. The mechanical characterization of the masonry is deduced from homogenization-based micro-scale finite element (FE) models. The derived data are here employed at a structural level via a discrete FE model. The discrete FE model is composed of quadrilateral rigid plates interconnected through vertical and horizontal interfaces. On the interfaces, between adjoining discrete elements, a model that accounts for the in- and out-of-plane behavior of masonry, with damage and plasticity, is adopted. Such interfaces represent the material pre- and post-peak regimes, its orthotropy, and, depending on the micro-model assumed, account by three-dimensional shear effects that are especially important for multi-leaf walls and complex regular textures. The discrete model has been implemented in an advanced structural analysis software where powerful built-in features as the arc-length method, line-search algorithm, and implicit or explicit solver schemes are available. The multi-scale model is applied for the dynamic study of a small English-bond masonry house prototype subjected to a series of consecutive earthquake records. Detailed comparisons between the experimental and numerical data are presented, including the results obtained through a continuous total strain rotating crack model. Quasi-static and dynamic analyses are conducted. Results demonstrate that when enough experimental information is available on the masonry components under tension, shear, and compression regimes, the approach predicts well the seismic structural response in terms of time-history displacements, seismic capacity, and damage patterns. The required computational cost (CPU time) is very attractive.  相似文献   
本研究在通渭、兰州、西吉、宝鸡、西安等多个西北典型黄土震陷灾害场地获取原状土样,通过对密度、含水率、孔隙比、塑液限等物理指标的测试,分析其与土体震陷性的关系;通过动弹性模量和阻尼比、动强度、震陷等室内动力特性试验,并结合大量前人研究资料,分析土体性质对岩土震陷灾害的区域性影响。结果表明:1)震陷系数与单一土体物性参数呈正相关或负相关关系,六盘山以西和以东的黄土震陷特性反映了明显的地区变化规律,在相同地震荷载作用下震害东轻西重;2)随着时间的推移,人类的活动增加,改变了土的含水率,导致土体上覆压力增大,在上覆压力的作用下,土体的初始孔隙数量有所减少,其固结程度越来越好,宏观表现为土体的易损性即震陷性减小。  相似文献   
谢娜  喻生波  丁宏伟  张明泉 《中国地质》2020,47(6):1804-1812
甘肃省地热资源丰富,其地热资源的开发利用具有较大的潜力。本文介绍了甘肃省地热资源分布概况,结合地区构造、地热水化学特征、地热资源量及开发利用现状探讨了甘肃隆起山地对流型与沉积盆地传导型地热资源的赋存特征,并对两种类型地热资源潜力进行了分析评价。结果表明,沉积盆地地热资源分布于河西、陇西及陇东盆地等,热储类型为裂隙型和孔隙型,热储层自元古宙至新生代均有发育,岩性以砂岩为主;隆起山地型地热资源主要分布于祁连山和西秦岭造山带,热储类型为断裂破碎带,岩性以花岗岩为主;通过潜力计算得知,全省热量开采系数≥0.4的仅占29.17%,表明目前甘肃地热资源开采程度较低,开采潜力较大。  相似文献   
为解决矿井水灾事故应急快速反应、高效决策的现场需求,针对矿井水灾事故的不确定性、复杂性和紧迫性等特点,运用多案例分析法,解析了11起典型矿井水灾事故,提出了判别“情景”和事故“情景”两个关键概念,定义了集合{突水水源,突水通道,采掘方式,出水量,淹没范围,生存空间}为矿井水灾事故的情景,并运用AHP分析法计算了6个情景要素各自的权重。确立了“情景-应对”应用在矿井水灾应急决策领域的实现途径,详细阐述了构建情景库、案例库、对策库的方法以及“情景-应对”型矿井水灾应急决策方案的生成过程,并提出了以“黄金72小时” “8天8夜”为时间节点的多阶段矿井水灾事故应急决策机制,案例推演应用表明,该应急决策机制不仅规范了事故应急流程,而且实现了精准、快速、高效的目标。   相似文献   
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